When people ask where to go for ''dragon buns'' I usually tell them ASIAN LEGEND. Why?
1. Their service is always attentive and great consistently (even when it's super busy)
2. The decor is spacious and more modern than most Asian restaurants (which personally I like)
3. MOST importantly: The food is consistent and delicious with reasonable prices
D r a g o n B u n s
- I honestly don't think there has been a time that I've been here and NOT ordered any dragon buns. The skin of buns are thin but are still able to maintain the meat and juices inside without ripping, but be cautious you still have to be careful when picking it up off the plate. And the filling is delectable. (always eat these when hot 'cause it doesn't taste good when cold)
B e e f B r i s k e t N o o d l e
- Another no brainer on the menu list. I'd say I get this almost 85% of the time I come here as well. The meat here isn't as tasty as the one at Steeles Ave, but hell, it's still great. Very flavourful and the noodys are chewy (I fkin -LOVE- chewy noodles). And the base of the soup is great too although I wouldn't drink it on its' own.
S h a n g h a i - S t y l e R i c e C a k e s
- I don't like this dish as much as the beef brisket one, but nonetheless rice cakes are known to be chewy and I am a huge fan of chewy goodness. This dish is a mixture of rice cakes, cabbage and small strips of pork. Everything is great and the flavours come together really well! It's a big plate, we usually have to get take-out for this. Oh yeah, try the glutinous rice with dough fritter. Another must get!!
Overall: My mom got a discount card here. Enough said.