RUN to those great apartments down the street! Don't even try to look at this TERRIBLE complex!! The management is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, the construction is SHODDY and CHEAP, the "amenities" are CRAP as they don't have any and their poor excuse for a gym is filthy and unsanitary with old broken down equipment! The negative list goes on and on...It's EXTREMELY OVERPRICED for this nightmare of a dreadful renting experience and the tenants are treated as SECOND CLASS CITIZENS compared to the owners who live there. Oh and there's NO PARKING so to agree with "Thomas'" review below, you WILL get towed
because they didn't plan enough parking in order for them to put up more crappy apartments to make more money--so now can ruin your day even more when they tow you WITHOUT WARNING!
DON'T BE FOOLED, that "Aly M." who made that FAKE CRAP REVIEW, SHE WORKS FOR THEM and gets paid commission to take your money when you sign their contract! What a bunch of scam artists and liars! RUN