| - Well, I can't testify as to the quality of the carwash since they decided that they didn't want my business. You see, I have a 9 lb. dog who is hypoallergenic (doesn't shed, no undercoat.) I bring her with me everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. She goes to the grocery store, the post office, the bank, the UPS store, restaurants, the movies, on airplanes etc. The places where dogs are not allowed, I just put her in her carrier and throw it over my shoulder where it looks just like a purse. It never occurred to me that a carwash would have a problem with a small dog - otherwise, she would have been in the carrier and they would never have known the difference. And yes, she is an ESA - but unfortunately the laws don't allow ESAs to go everywhere. That doesn't change my need for her. The people at this carwash were insistent that they couldn't allow a dog because other customers might be allergic. I am not stupid. I could walk in there with a peanut butter sandwich and someone might be allergic to peanuts. The chance of someone being allergic to my dog is so tiny that it is absolutely ridiculous to even consider it. As I said earlier, I have brought her to countless locations, encountering thousands of people over her 11 years of life, and never once has anyone ever even sneezed or sniffled around her. Never.
But here is the thing. If a business owner doesn't want dogs on their premises, just be honest. Tell the truth. You don't want a dog there. You don't like dogs. Not everyone does. But don't pass off some ridiculous lie about possible allergies. And finally, ironically, I just moved to Las Vegas from Chicago, the windy city, where I lived for over 20 years. I got my car washed almost weekly at various places. And I brought this dog to every carwash for her entire life. No one in the WINDY CiTY ever even said a peep to me about her - other than to comment on how cute she was. So just change your name to "no dogs allowed" carwash and don't sully the windy city name, and we will be all set. The end.