My 20 month old daughter was neglected on two separate occasions by her diaper not being changed and being left to sit in her own feces for over 4 hours causing a severe diaper rash. The rash was so severe that it broke the skin causing sores to form and bleed which led to her needing to be seen by a doctor. This has caused so much distress, anxiety and pain for my child to the point she no longer wants to be changed nor wants to potty train. We tried to reach out to the owner for a meeting to discuss what happened and he continues to blow us off. In the contract that I signed on the day of her enrollment, it states that each child will be changed every 2 hours REGARDLESS if the diaper is soiled. The facility is not taking the situation seriously and has shown no remorse or empathy towards what happened and not to mention breach of contract. We will be pursuing legal counsel!!