I've been here a few times for small purchases in the past and have never been impressed with the customer service. (Even though you can't turn around without seeing at least three employees! Maybe that's why their prices are so inflated. They have to pay more employees than there are customers in the store at any given time.)
Anyhow... I'm buying my first place and it needs quite a bit of work. I've been getting quotes and pricing materials for a couple of days now. I looked on the website and noticed that the Home Depot does installations of all sorts and boasts better prices so went in to check things out this morning.
Lo and behold, my expectations were greatly crushed. As it turns out they use contractors for installs so don't actually have rates - and a few of the employees (especially in the paint department) looked at and reacted to my questions as if I was retarded. ---- Um... NO, I'm NOT retarded... I am new to the big world of renovations... So how about try not to be a douche and deal respectfully with customers. I don't treat people that are not from my profession like idiots just because they don't have the same knowledge as I do. Anyhow, seriously, you work at the Home Depot. You aren't a surgeon. Get the fuck over yourself.
I should say that I spoke with two lovely employees from the kitchen design area but didn't get their names. They were the opposite of the employees described above. These two alone earn this place a 2nd star.