| - I effin LOVE hot dogs so when I found out that this place was opening down the street I was delighted, and went opening day.
I order the basic naked dog since I find it's just to judge a place on how the they cook something simple.
So what does a $6.50 hot dog taste like?
Not much different than one for $3 that you can get on a street corner.
The sausage was average, nothing special. The bun was a dissapointment and wouldn't surprise me if they get it from the same place your corner hot dog vendor does... it was also burnt a little. I understand that during a rush this is something that might happen to a piece of bread left over fire but the place was empty. Common guys.
The toppings were creative but unnecessarry, rhubarb this, blueberry mayo that, somekind of crab flavoured sauce. Why would I want to put "fresh" soaking wet mozzarella on my hotdog? The relish was good.
They didnt appear to have yellow mustard, which I am assuming isn't goumet enough, BUT they had ketchup.
While I was eating, 2 of the workers were discussing what appeared to be a sausage at the end of a long fork that one of them was holding. After some deliberation he threw it into the garbage. That's 6 bucks doooood, I could have taken the bus twice with that sausage. That sausage couldve helped me pay my phone bill last month.
I wanted to try the maple lemonade I read about but it was $5. That's five dollars for lemons and water people.
Save your time go to WVRST for a larger, cheaper, more interesting hot dog/sausage selection.