Was this "real" or a "bad dream"?! ...I'm walking in the store talking on the phone when I hear: "Sir...Sir". As I'm looking around to see what's going on, I see this "senior" cashier approaching me at break neck speed from behind the counter (they're were customers in line by the way). I stop and turn around, and this cashier "attempts" to grab a bag out of my hands!!..."Wait what are you doing?!!" "All bags have to be checked behind the counter" (what happened to asking me, instead of grabbing it out of my hands!!??). I give this woman the package to "hold" for me and proceed to the Pharmacy, where I proceed to get the worst customer service I have ever had in my life!!...After "recovering" from the "shock" of this "horrific" shopping experience, I happen to go to another CVS later in the day and tell them what happened to me at this location. After the uncontollable laughter from the staff had died down, they proceed to inform me that CVS does not have a "policy" of "holding" customer bags, and that this woman was acting completely out of store policy by doing what she did. Shop here at your own risk, or go there for laughs?!!..