The food was good- I will definitely give them that. The service was nothing spectacular, but there was nothing wrong with it, either. The downside is that it is probably not the right location for them-- not in terms of geography, but this is WAY too small for such a popular restaurant. I am fine with waiting; I grew up in a family of 6 in a busy area, and we were always waiting an hour for tables. However, why buy such a small place for such a successful chain? Especially when it is the first in the west valley, but so well established in the valley as a whole? The waits are long, there was not the service prior to seating you can get at other locations (at least the 2 times I have been since opening). Will I still go? You bet! It's yummy, and it's worth it, but it's not going to nab 5 stars.
Now, if this was just a place to rate that giant cookie... that thing is 5 stars :-)