The market for pho and bahn mi is quickly becoming a hot bed of activity out in the Asiatown area in Cleveland near eastside. With the addition of Saigon Grille to the other wonderful offerings we Clevelanders have we should consider ourselves lucky to have now a fourth option within a city block radius.
So far it has been difficult for anyone to match the quality of Superior Pho, but Saigon Grille has done a damn fine job of coming close.
The broth of the pho was VERY flavorful and vibrant. The round eye and tripe were very good, and not chewy. For me a good sign that pho is done right is when after it cools you see the little fat globs beginning to form.
I had ordered the bahn mi almost as an afterthought, and after having taken a bite of this amazing sandwich I quickly realized that it took center stage. The grilled pork was second to nobody's bahn mi in the CLE area. I do wish it had some pate, or at least more of it but aside from that it was fantastic.
All in all, Saigon Grille has gotten it right. There may have been some hiccups during the first few weeks after open - and what restaurant doesn't have them - but they have seemed to iron them out.
As I was walking out of the establishment it dawned on me that Siagon Grille can be summed up as follows: it's a nice interior like #1 Pho, but with food that is about as good as Superior Pho.