I have been coming to this car wash for years, such a great place when owned by the Lindstrom Family. Now it has been sold, even though they have kept the Lindstrom name. On three different occasions I paid for "the works" and during the wash they didn't turn on the wax mode. I made them run my vehicle through again. The last time I was there my I-Phone cord and charger were stolen, I had used it on the way there and just after I had pulled out of the drive, I noticed it was gone. I returned immediately and was told I would receive a phone call from them. Never happened. It took me three days to track down the new owner, who is a jerk at best, after having to listen to him for 20 minutes about how his employees are not thieves, he gave me a new cord and charger. WATCH your car going through this wash to make sure you are getting what you paid for AND remove all items you don't want stolen!