Well, to each their own I suppose. I looked up the office to double check the name of my practitioner and was surprised to see all of the bad ratings after my experience went so well, but since it was my first time I will update this rating if anything goes poorly. For background, I'm pretty severely disabled and have been for four years. I moved to the area and needed someone for general health issues so I wouldn't have to wait ages for one of my specialists for my general needs. The person at the front office, the nurse who took my vitals, and Patricia Faust were all incredibly nice and really thorough. I had been treated by urgent care and needed follow up. A urine test and a called in RX, and I was out the door. She listened to me and treated me well. I have a TON of experience with healthcare, and from some of the reviews I understand why some people are upset. I've had it happen before where they asked to keep a card on file. Some offices do this. You are within your rights to say no, so always say no. If you give them a card to put on file and sign paperwork saying they can charge it... kinda on you for not reading paperwork & voluntarily agreeing to something you didn't have to agree to, so word to the wise - just say no to this. After so many years of medical care & seeing the worst of the worst and the best of the best (both with the doctors themselves & the offices staff, which can be a separate nightmare) I have a sense of what's pretty reasonable and what's totally outrageous.