There's just something funny about a white guy and his latin boyfriend noshing on soul food in the desert. But what's not funny is how dee lish the food is here at Lil Mama's. And how fun just to say lil. Perhaps the two t's and the e at the end put them over on their sign budget. But I like it. Lil Thomas likes it. The enormous serving of fried chicken was crisp and succulent. Yes, I said succulent. How many of you have used that word today? Side of red beans and rice were faboo. Five stars to the mac and cheese and collard greens. The smothered chops were not my fave and I would try another main dish. Perhaps the catfish? Huge tumblers of sweet tea to chase down this caloric feast hit the spot. The space is sparce with vintage looking
African American art. I noticed a performace space near the front window. The ham in me wanted to jump up there and do the Steve Martin front porch dance from The Jerk.