| - They only get 3 stars bc honestly--how excited can you really get over a laundromat?
I *hate* doing laundry, but this is my favorite place to hate doing laundry. Why?
#1 They are located right next to Doggin' It, so you can toss your laundry in the wash, go next door, drink a 40oz (bc that's how classy I am!), when you're done with the wash, pop your laundry in the dryer and drink another 40oz (bc I hate doing laundry so much, I need 80 ounces of beer to get through it!)
#2 Free wifi. Bring your laptop, so while you're hating doing laundry, you can take your lap top next door to Doggin' It, drink beer, and update facebook letting everyone know that you are doing laundry and that you hate doing laundry
#3 There's a massage chair. As a general rule I dont get in massage chairs that are avail to the general public, but after 80 ozs of beer anything is possible and I like having that option available to me.
#4 The place is clean, and all the patrons seem nice. I am in no way disgusted by sharing a washer or dryer w these folks
#5 Many folding tables are available. This is important. If you fold laundry. I hate doing laundry so I don't fold it, when I'm finally done, I toss my shiz in the basket and BOLT
#6 Friendly staff. They are like, really nice.
#7 Cable tv. No one complained when I put the Real Housewives on New Jersey on.
If you have to be at a laundromat, this is hands down the best one to be at.