I don't like people who LIE and the owner lies. Their "Cronuts" are exactly as stated by others on Yelp - HORRIBLE & very expensive!
I asked them why they aren't making REAL Cronuts, and they admitted its just a deep fried croissant rolled in cinommon & sugar....they said that NYC isn't the inventor it was invented in France and this is how they make the the 'original' way!
I researched and could not find ANY references to Cronuts or Kronuts other than NYC!
But the NYC is different than Just a Crossiant fried & rolled in sugar & cinnomon, Although Cronut does tend to use the dough (or similar to ) of a croissant but its higher because you do more folds with the Cronut than on a croissant and also tend to put some kind of filling and special toppings to compliment it
well... check this out, NYC did invent the Cronut!
He also said nobody has complained!!! I guess they don't watch the internet for feedback because there were many on just Yelp! alone that complained about the "cronuts" they have!
So Fourth Ward Bread Co. takes a very small croissant, deep fries it and rolls it in cinnomon & sugar charging $3.00 for one!
Yet they have their very nice size croissant plain 3 times bigger for $2.99.
And most things are over priced! I mean come-on! $9.00 for a Tomato & Lettuce croissant only because it's the "Special Sandwiches" for the day?!!
What is wrong with this picture? They are only profiting from the poor version of Cronuts they should be ashamed!
Don't go here unless money is no object & you like to support people who like to lie!