Hey guys. Today was my 3rd time in the shop. I'm really bummed out. Every visit, I've ordered the Barry B. with avocado. "We call it the 786..it's just the Barry B. with avocado. It saves you a couple cents" is what you all say. I appreciate you looking out for me, except for the fact that I've received avocado on my sando 0/3x. I used to work at Bunk sandwiches in Oregon; I know what it's like to work at a sandwich shop, so regardless of service, I tip $2.00 per sandwich..so c'mon. For the love of god, please put avocado on my fkn sandwich because I'm paying for it :( :( :( you're killing me.
Other than that, this place is decent. Pricey, but understandable for a gourmet sandwich joint.
Ike's NO love and sandwiches :(