| - The employees were nice girls, but the gel manicure and spa pedicure I received were below average. My cuticles weren't trimmed well, my feet weren't scrubbed well, and the manicure left my fingers BURNING INTENSELY for a couple hours afterwards. My hand was under the UV light and I felt some burning so I pulled my hand out and looked at it. The technician said, "Oh, is it burning?" I told her yes, and she replied with "That's weird" and kinda shrugged it off... I'm sure this isn't the first time that's happened since she obviously knew what the issue was when I pulled my hand out. The sensation would come and go with intensity. I'm not sure if it was because she got the gel on my skin and it cured, or if the chemicals in the gel polishes were low grade or had been manipulated in some way, but I've NEVER had that pain happen to me during any of my numerous manicures. I redeemed my Groupon and left... as I was driving home, the pain got worse. It was so bad, I was nearly in tears and was considering stopping at Quick Care. I am afraid to get another gel manicure from ANYWHERE after this experience and will NEVER go back. It's a shame because the girl was sweet and I'm sure didn't mean to cause me pain, she just didn't know what she was doing and will end up costing this business money.