I went to Sheble Aviation on a mission....to finish my private pilot training and earn my license. Sheble's didn't disappoint. The atmosphere is very congenial. The instructors have a lot of experience.
My main instructor, Les, is a bush pilot from Alaska and he did a great job of drumming into my head that I control the airplane and not the other way around. I am especially thankful for Les demonstrating to me that as long as I keep my head and stay calm, I would not spin the aircraft. He didn't give me book training, he helped me develop the skills necessary to fly safely for a long time to come. The Examiner gave me the ultimate complement when he said, "you fly very well for a private pilot, you've clearly been trained properly." I can't think of a stronger shot in the arm and a better reason to give kudos to Sheble Aviation.
If you are considering an accelerated program to earn a license or obtain a rating, then your first choice should be Sheble Aviation!