Stay away. Stay very... far... away. I used to use Dr. Wachs as my primary care physician and stopped two years ago. Here's why:
1. She insisted on running labs for absolutely everything. Slight cough? Blood work. Rash? Blood work. Broken toe? Blood work. All to drive up the cost.
2. I saw Dr. Wachs herself a total of two times in 4 years. Every other time, it was a physicians assistant. All well and good as the PAs were wonderful... when you could get the same one twice. This place is a revolving door of employees. I never saw the same person twice.
3. Holy disorganized mess Batman. When you enter the reception area, you can flat out see how disorganized this office is. Charts and paperwork loosely stacked in piles. Shelves with paperwork falling out of them. No idea how they keep things straight.
4. My biggest gripe? Billing. Multiple times I've had to go down to the office and show them a receipt showing I indeed did pay them for my last service. Currently I am fighting the collector she sent me to because of this issue. Her office charged me the copay on my current insurance, then attempted to bill my old insurance from a job I hadn't worked in years. The office called me asking for an updated insurance card. I told them they should have a copy of my current insurance card. They put me on hold for fifteen minutes (Probably to ruffle through the stacks of paper behind them) and said "Oh. Here it is." Cool. They found my proper insurance card and ran it... WRONG. I start getting calls from a collector saying I owe them $250 for this visit. After 3 years of trying to fight it on my own and getting no where, I have had to get a lawyer friend involved.
This office is a JOKE. Save yourself the time, money, and the headache. Go somewhere else. Anywhere. Quick Care, CVS has some sort of Nurse Practitioner thing. Anything is better than this.