| - I'll miss you, O'Shea's.
I had far funner times here than in any BS table service scam on the strip. The women at O'Shea's didn't just pilfer your $$$ hooch and bail. And god forbid I write a 1 star review for closing and get blocked by the bad review filter.
I worked across the street and came over to O'Shea's many times a week to blow off steam from my own level of hell of cheap tippers. We'd buy 2 pitchers of beer, get a stack of cups and basically sit and use 2 of the cups.
I haven't been on Yelp in forever. Things are still tough. I'm trying to find some enjoyment that's a 10th what I found at O'shea's, with a teenager's budget. A teenager that can't even get a shit minimum wage thankless job.
No doubt, when Linq opens, O'Shea's- if you believe they will reopen as a part of it- will jump a couple of dollar signs. I often struggle with rolling with the times, since the prices get higher, but the nation's wages don't- even when I was employed.
There are a lot of web pages to keep me informed on the closings, buy outs, demos and new businesses opening. Seems like the end of the recession to developers and another game of Monopoly is rearing up, people buying and developing everything, multiple properties.
It's sad the fun hangouts close, I really wish that there was a requirement that you had a predetermined number of years to develop on a property or have to resell it. There are so many empty lots that could be built on instead of knocking down living legends of the Strip. If empty lots didn't get built on in 2006, they're not going to for another decade the way things are. I'd still recover from hangovers at Toucan Harry's instead of either place across the street.
If you loved O'Shea's, there's always Ellis Island and Maybe the pandemonium of the Carnival court that captures the college drinker environment, where people want to wear their shorts instead of follow some baller dress code.
By the time I get back to Vegas, I won't recognize what's left. I hope there are still small, janky bars on south Boulder to Hendo.
Is it just what I read in the news or does everything that Vince Neil gets involved in makes him like the Ted McGinley of Vegas businesses?