If you are someone planning to use coupons here, don't. I have several $5 off coupons and the one woman manager that has a man haircut would not listen when I tried to explain that each coupon had a different serial number on it so that shows the coupons are not identical. All she could say was "But i'm looking at the barcode here". Theres a reason coupons have different serial numbers on it, the barcodes will be the same but if they have different serial numbers that means they are not the same. What a dumbass manager that doesn't even know how a coupon works. Another man haircut redhead manager woman tried to tell us that the coupon can only be used if the product is exactly the amount. How dumb and uneducated these people are. I went to Walmart to redeem my coupons and got through with no problem.
I highly suggest going elsewhere if you have coupons because these uneducated fucks clearly don't know how it works.