I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! Seriously, one of the best waxes I've ever had. Second only to a place that I used to go to in Seattle that served martinis (you really can't beat that). Your first brazilian is $20 which obviously is an amazing deal and the girls there are all awesome. Per fellow yelper's recommendations I booked my appointment with Amy and I'm so glad I did...she's some sort of goddess. It was practically painless, really quick, and immaculate. I used to go to Modern Body Wax (which was pricier, weird hours, etc) but when my waxer went on maternity leave I knew it was time to find a new home. I'm SO glad I did because I've been missing out on crazy-good waxes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you...I'll tell all my friends!!!