holy mother of God.
Have you ever been to the website dirtyscottsdale.com? Check it out. See all those really drunk plastic girls falling all over themselves, and the douchbag guys with spikey hair? And the Cougars? Oh, they're all at Devil's. Every.last.one.of.them.
It's amazing to watch. The grandma with the white hair jamming on the dance floor with her 32 yr old boy toy. The little blonde girl with +2's wearing next to nothing dancing on the table (horribly) while the guys wearing Ed Hardy try to play grab ass with her. It's completely out of this world NUTS! Am I on candid camera? Is this real?
The drinks, depending on the bartender are ok, and the music is pretty predictable. Really just come here to people watch. This place is rife with people ready to be judged. And you will judge. A lot. And it's the best part of this place.
By the way, the bar is in a strip mall type complex. SERIOUSLY?! Oh ya. Game. Set. Match. Fail.