We used the body shop to repair damage to our rear passenger door and rear quarter panel on our Chevy suburban.
We did go through our insurance company geico. This worked out well as the Toyota dealership is certified by geico and they have a enterprise rental office in the body shop.
Geico under estimated out repair cost. Toyota was able to discuss with them and get the extra cost approved with ease. The body shop was right on for the estimated time for the repair.
The repair to the quarter panel was excellent. Considering they had to replace the panel it was really nice work.
Repair to the door was not as good. There was some over spray on the interior, door had bow that effected the fit and finish, and the door wouldn't close as easily has it had before. I didn't discover these issues until I got home. We did not due a final walk thru before I accepted the car and left.
Called them the next day to discuss the deficiency. They were great and told me to bring it back to have them check it out. Brought it back and they agreed that all the issues were deficiencies. The repaired the car and gave me a rental for the day. After spending an extra day on the repairs the car.
Overall we were happy with the repairs and there customer service was excellent. Just wished they would have gotten it all right the first time.