This note is directed to management of this location:::I have a HUGE issue with your company - and specifically this location:
Why would your site let you book a car 1min before the location closes? ABSOLUTELY unacceptable - I pre-paid for a car at 333 College st. Tor ON Canada and the site accepted a booking for 3:59pm.. Found myself 5mins late and the CSR refused to keep the location open to accommodate me (for 5mins longer). I ended up taking a cap to the airport to see if there was anything I could do to get a car from the only location that was open in Toronto... The CSR rep there also told me that he wouldn't do anything to help... This is absurd...
This was a huge opportunity for your employee to right a wrong (the wrong being your site letting me book so close to a close time) instead they simply amplified the lack of customer service your company provides. I am a loyal Thrifty Car renter (at least 3times a month - every month) and decided to give your company a shot, which proved to be a huge mistake.
Not to pull a "poor me" card here, but the urgency of this rental was to visit a friend who was diagnosed with a terminal blood cancer and is going into an emergency surgery this week. This visit could be the last time I see him again. When I tried to ask your CSR rep at 333 College street to empathize with my situation he decided to respond by saying "you need the car, but I live in St. Catherine's and it's far away for me to get home"... As if his commute was more important than someone's life... ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY! I documented the employee's name and can let you know who he is (off line)
Look forward to hearing back from you.. I've also tweeted my concerns, posted to your Facebook page and will continue telling this story until I'm compensated for my rental and your site is updated to only allow rentals u to 30mins before the location closes...