| - This was only my second time visiting a Golden Corral and I must say, this time I was much more impressed so I am glad that I waited to do my review. The restaurant itself was very clean and the staff was attentive. The idea of Golden Corral is super simple; you walk in, pay, grab a drink. pick your own seat, and go to the buffet. Super easy! There is no hassle in between of waiting to be seated or waiting for a drink or paying after. When you are done eating, you leave which is nice. There is essentially no waiting on anybody and when you are starving like we were, that is soooo nice!
The buffet is pretty extensive. They have everything from seafood, to meats, to salad, to soup, to chicken/tuna salads, to mexican, to I think you get the idea! Pretty much anything you are in the mood for, you can find here. The food seemed to be very fresh and I saw the staff switching out food often to keep it that way. There was almost too much to choose from. That's always my problem when I go to buffets, I fill up so fast that I can't enjoy everything! Such a dilemma! haha The dessert bar was something to note!! Not only did they have ice cream (soft and hard) but they also had a chocolate fondue fountain!!!! It cant get better than that! There were soooo many more desserts as well: pie, cake, cookies, brownies, etc. Again, another problem I face when I go to buffets, I NEVER have enough room for all the dessert. It's making me want to go back there right now just for the dessert.
Cant wait to go back and fill my belly again!