| - This place was not my bag -- to say the least. When I go to Vegas, I like to splurge and check out great restaurants. Well, I was rolling with a different crowd this time, and after a few nights of going big, we went straight WT for our last supper.
My friend had seen this place on the Food Network and described it as a restaurant where they "abuse and say mean things to you". Hmmm, pay someone to abuse me - this should be interesting. Oohh, it was interesting alright - but nothing like I anticipated. Where do I begin....
It's in the Excalibur. I could just stop there. We got to peep the hotel scene in all its glory while waiting in the hour long line (cause this ain't no reservation-takin kinda place, y'all). It's a stand-in-a-roped-off-double-file-line-behind-a-family-of 5-sporting-matching-mullets kinda place. Let's just say - we weren't in Steve Wynn land anymore, toto.
It's is a seedy dive with a chicken-wangish menu, napkins covering the floor, bras hanging from the bar, and servers who create lewd condom/KKK hats and balloon penises. Oh, and they dry hump, sing bad 80's tunes, and make foul sexual comments (all while their 300lb muffin-top is busting out of a thong *see pic*). It's a low-budget (questionable taste), Vegas-bachelorette-party-paradise.
I sat back and enjoyed the shit show for what is was - but there is no chance in hell you'll catch me there again.