For whatever reason, it seems to be exceptionally difficult to find good Asian food in the Valley. Fortunately, although after a lot of scouring on Yelp, I came across Khai Hoan. This restaurant is very unassuming but it is really, really, really good.
I took other Yelp contributors' advice and had the Pho. The Pho came out quickly, it was hot, had great flavor, and was pretty inexpensive. Even though I've had Pho at other Vietnamese restaurants, this meal was truly great. I am glad I succumbed to the Pho fascination that is infiltrating America because this iteration was some of the best Vietnamese food that I have ever had. I have been fortunate enough to try great Vietnamese food in both Chicago's "Little Vietnam" and New York's Chinatown and it's not a stretch to say that Khai Hoan certainly equals the quality of the food that I had in both of those places.
Even though this restaurant has waiter service you must still go to the cashier at the end of the meal to get your bill. That's hardly a reason to fault the restaurant especially since their food is so good and their prices are so reasonable.