A/C was broken; they charged us $185 to do the liquid check to verify where the leak was. Told us they "verified the leak was in the compressor". Went on and on about how easy it was to see because of the color of the liquid and the time of day it was.
We opted out of the $1000+ repair to do our own research. Took it to a well rated, auto repair shop near us. They did the same test for only $100 and verified that the leak was NOT in the compressor. He charged up the a/c; fixed a knob or something and it fixed everything for under $300.
So the dude at anytime repair either blatantly lied to us to charge us for a compressor replacement or he was ignorant. Either way it's unforgivable for a repair of that potential cost. Either way we've been driving with ice cold air for a month now, and it's been breezy. Thanks for nothing Anytime.