I really should never have tried Mamma Mia's. The same way I should never have tried Two Hippies Burger joint (which is conveniently located next door). In fact, that's where I was headed at the time but they were closed.
Being a fairly clean eater, my body does not know what to do with itself during these Sunday grease fueled gorge fests I seem to put myself through after a night of debauchery. My stomach hates me!
I had a slice of plain cheese and a slice of pepperoni and yes, I devoured both. Quickly, quietly and with the stealth of a truly seasoned binge eater. Damn it was good. The slices were huge and foldable with the crust being the perfect combination of crispy and chewy. Delicious! The only complaint I have is that it's hot as hell in there. Not much can be done about that, so it's merely an afterthought.
Mamma Mia's is close to home and that makes me nervous. Nervous is good. It means I have a crush on you... *blush*