And away we go...... There are two things that I love in this life, ladies and wings. So when I got to work today and noticed that we had wings from 702 wing spot I knew it was going to be a great day. But like a crappy M. Knight Shyamalan movie the twist was that the wings were barely edible, just as "The Village" was barely watchable. They were as dry as a British sit-com and about as flavorless as Public Enemy withthout Flave. They were more reminiscent of the turkey from "Christmas Vacation" than the delicious food of the gods they are. It made me sad not to finish them, but it made me even more sad about 30 minutes later when a Mt. Vesuvius type eruption was happening in my belly. Which is sure to end in a Pompeiian type devistation. Maybe this was a one off experience, maybe it wasn't. All I know is that it will be my only experience with 702 Wing Spot.