| - By far the worst Filiberto's I've been to! It's the closest one to my house and one of the few places open after midnight in Gilbert, so I've been by on and off over the past couple years. I'm just going to say it here and now, I'm addressing the past two times I've stopped by since they're the straw that broke the camel's back.
The first time I really had an issue was a week ago. It was Wednesday night/Thursday morning and my brother and I both had a craving for cheese quesadillas. It struck me that one of the few (and, honestly, somewhat bizarre) Filly B's that has $.99 quesadillas on Thursday instead of Friday was close to home, so I headed over with thoughts of greasy, cheesy goodness dancing in my head.
I should've realized this was going to go horribly wrong when I pulled up to the speaker and had to wait five minutes for a guy to come out the side door and take my order. With my order placed, I pulled around to the window for my order. Where I waited. And waited. And waited some more.
After about 10 minutes, the guy who took my order FINALLY came to the window so I could pay for my food and head off. And proceeded to dick around with the system and apologize profusely to me in Spanish.
I'm not pissed off about the Spanish part, which did help make what should've been an easy transaction ridiculously difficult, because, y'know what, it happens. And, okay, I'm deeply questioning the manager's decision to put someone who doesn't speak English on the window in Gilbert, but that isn't this guy's fault. No, the part that pisses me off is that no one apparently taught him how to use their system. Which added another 10 minutes to my wait time.
So once he finally manages to figure out how to ring up my order, he gives me my total. Which is $7 and change. After having to show him on one of their take out menus that, no, it should be more like $2 something because it's after midnight on Thursday using the tiny amount of Spanish I know and a lot of pointing, he finally rang it up properly (which took another 5 minutes) and I was finally able to head home.
You would've thought that after that I would never go back, but I figured I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and see if they're still decent during the day.
I work out at the gym across the parking lot and had a particularly grueling session and desperately needed something to eat (which, alright, I know, Filberto's after the gym is pretty much cancelling it out, but you don't exactly do smart things when you're hungry). And considering it was Taco Tuesday, I figured, hey, what the hell, tacos are good. You can't fuck up tacos.
Oh how I was wrong.
I ordered two chicken tacos, a cheese quesadilla (because I am a creature of habit), and an horchata. The quesadilla and horchata were fine. The chicken tacos, on the other hand...
Well. The first one was fine. The chicken was a little dry, but that's something that's easily fixed with copious amounts of salsa roja. But the second one...ugh. Two bites in and there's something wrong. I don't know if it was cartilage or what, but it was absolutely disgusting. As tempted as I was to go up and request a new taco after picking through and finding more of the mystery substance, I didn't since it had put me off wanting anything they might serve with chicken.
TL;DR: Drive thru sucks and takes forever due to poorly trained staff. Food is sketchy as hell at times. Consider me a lost customer.