Worst hospital ever! Keep driving!
A pair of scissors fell off the counter and punctured the top of my foot. I was dropped off at the hospital and I was bleeding really bad, like bleeding through my wrap and my foot was covered in blood. I was hopping on one foot to get to the desk and they just watched me. There was no one else that they were helping so I felt like they should have got off their a** and brought me a wheelchair. I even asked for a wheelchair and they still didn't bring me one. They gave me paperwork to fill out and I had to hop back and forth to the desk to fill it out and then bring it back. As I waited with the 2 other people in the emergency room I started losing feeling in my foot. I once again hopped back up there and told them that I couldn't feel my foot and up through my shin. I asked them if I should be concerned by this and they just stared at me like I was interrupting their conversation about them hating their job. I then started experiencing terrible pain which seems odd when the foot is numb but it happened. When they called my name I told them that I couldn't hop anymore across the lobby in my flip flops, plus the hopping made my hemorrhaging foot hurt worse. The lady actually rolled her eyes and had uptight body language while she was trying to help me get in the chair. When they took my blood pressure I once again expressed the concern about my numb, yet in pain foot and she didn't even respond. I was finally wheeled back to the Dr and the Dr said she would give me something for the pain. They did give me a tetanus shot and to my surprise brought me my discharge papers. I refused to sign them until they cleaned the wound. I had to ask them to wash all of the blood off of my foot and I asked if they were going to bandage it up. The guy walked out not saying a word and came back in with a band aid, stuck it on and walked out. He then returned with discharge papers again and a script for some pain pills. I asked him how I was going to fill that at 12am because I had a foot that I couldn't drive with. He told me "at a 24 hour pharmacy." Duh! My point being that my foot was numb but in terrible pain, still bloody and he expected me to hunt down a pharmacy? He finally brought me a pain pill to get me through the night and I never did have to fill that script he gave me because by morning I had lost all feeling. This happened in April, it is now October and I STILL have no feeling. When I read my home care instructions the paper totally said that its a concern if I experience any numbness with a puncture wound and to inform them.
Not to mention, I was sharing a room with a lady that had bronchitis and when she was taking her breathing treatment the tube kept popping off of the oxygen because they had it set too high. She kept yelling for help because of this and she couldn't breathe but they ignored her... We were both pressing the nurse button and they just kept talking and laughing out in the hall. I even had to yell out to them so they would come and help her. They seemed so irritated that they had to come get this lady's breathing treatment squared away once more. God forbid anyone in the emergency room actually need help. This is absolutely the worst of the worst for hospitals. Honestly, whether you have to drive further to a different hospital or go to this one... You are still risking your life but I bet you would have better chances elsewhere.