This world class police department just issued me another ticket. Allegedly rolled a stop sign in Ohio City. Too bad I was not rolling something up when I was rolling through, allegedly. I would have needed it to deal with all this BS. The cop said "Be careful out here." like he gives a rat's ass. I keep checking the little bootleg website you have set up to pay my $196 dollar fine. 5 business days must mean something different to the City of Cleveland. Maybe 5 business days never occur with this organization because I don't think they will post it. After all the tickets I have accumulated for stupid parking bans, allegedly running through stop signs and whatever other little things they bled me for, I am for certain moving out of the City of Cleveland. I never thought I would head back to where I came from. I will head back to Lakewood and buy a house. I might as well pay the extra tax instead of these stupid tickets. At least the roads will be plowed and not look like a minefield in a war torn country. Cleveland is a war torn country. You dingbats just drove me out. Congratulations. I won't need to update this stinking Yelp site again with how rotten you are!