My favorite place to escape! Clear your day, bring a friend, a journal, and your bathing suit. They have everything else.
I recommend getting there early in the day and staying all day long. But only get one or two services, otherwise you are in the waiting room most of the day. You will want to enjoy this spas facilities.This spa stays open later than most. I will usually leave closer to 8 or 9 pm.
If you are getting manis or pedis get them at the end of your stay so that you can enjoy the wonderful water features. I recommend several dips in the waterfall, especially before a massage. The inhalation room is another favorite.
Another bonus you don't see at many spas; they give good snacks. They have several types of teas and coffee. They have muffins out in the morning, and organic cookies in the afternoon. There are piles of apples and drink stations in several places around the spa. Because I stay all day long, I do order lunch. But is it nice to have other options depending on your length of stay.