Employees at this location do not seem to be trained on even simple procedures. On March 21 I stopped by to send a Fed Ex letter. Servicing the person ahead of me in line was taking a very long time. Turns out, they couldn't get the shipping label to print out. After the two Fed Ex employees were babbling back and forth trying to figure out the problem I turned around and left. The last thing I heard was one saying to the other "maybe the labels are in the printer backwards". Boy, that's a confidence builder. Do you remember the tag line...."absolutely, positively overnight"? It'll never happen if they can't even get a label on a package.
An isolated incident? Hardly. About two months earlier I had been sent a prepaid Fed Ex label to ship something. I displayed the email announcing same that was on my phone. I was assured by the sender that any Fed Ex location would be able to pull up the info, produce a label and the package would be on its way. Wrong. After three employees spent about 5 minutes retrieving the prepaid label, this wandering brain trust managed to produce the label.