| - I will begin with the positives, because I am a generally nice person and don't believe in character assassination without just cause.
So firstly, making an appointment on a Saturday on Thanksgiving weekend? Normally pretty difficult.
Not so here- they got me right in.
Other dentists want you to be an established patient (with insurance) if you have a dental emergency.
Western Dental doesn't give a crap if you have insurance, only that you bring money, and pay upfront, before you see anyone.
Wait- you may be saying- "They make you pay upfront? Isn't that kind of... odd?"
Yeah, normally, it is. But this is the ghetto-ist dentist in all the land. Let me continue.
I paid them $40 in cash, for a $39 appointment and was told that they would "Apply the extra dollar to my account."
Wait- you may be saying- "What extra dollar? Didn't they give you... change?"
Yeah, you'd think so. But this is not only the ghetto-ist dentist in all the land, it is also the most unscrupulous.
"Unscrupulous is a harsh word."
Yeah, well taking cash from me, and then telling me that you can't make change because you don't keep cash in the office... that's pretty unscrupulous.
"I still think you're judging them pretty harshly."
Am I, fictional Yelp reader? What about the fact that when I was reading through the paperwork they were having me sign, I noticed that they had a form which waived the right to a jury trial for medical malpractice?
Wait- you may be saying- "Surely they didn't try to trick people into signing away their rights by attaching it to another legal form that you are actually required to sign?"
Yeah, you'd hope not. But they do.
They had attached it underneath the HIPPA form, which you DO have to sign- making it seem as though it was part of the packet.
"Oh my."
I know, right? I was shocked too! So if you don't read the forms carefully- and many people don't- you're going to end up signing your rights away because you are in too much intense dental pain and too annoyed with all the paperwork to read it.
One word: Unscrupulous.
So then insult to injury: Let's discuss the following business day, when I started getting phone calls trying to sell me dental insurance.
Did Western Dental sell my phone number? I believe they did. Almost immediately.
Can I prove it? Absolutely not.
But I have cell phone, and it is unlisted. And I haven't gotten calls like this in... well, EVER, in the 9 years that I've had it. So do I think they sold my number?
I think it is highly likely.
They are unscrupulous.
Without scruples.
They are absolutely missing their scruples.
Do not go here if you can avoid it.