Wife discovered this place whilst texting her girlfriends. Stopped in on a rainy day and were blown away by the warmth of this place. Familiar Filipino kitchen smells from my childhood pervade a similarity warm dining area.
I've had my own ideas of what a Filipino restaurant should be if they want to appeal to a Western palette - familiar names like Chef Buddha and Billy Dec come to mind in this regard.
This place does it right. It's a good blend of exotic and Western familiarity. The menu doesn't leave you scratching your head if an item is good or not. Believe me - pictures don't always get it right.
Rhia was our server - she ran the dining are solo - taking orders and serving plates from the line cooks for a steady stream of patrons. She's incredibly attentive and makes it look easy. She's also the Chef's daughter but her care goes beyond any responsibilities to the family.
We'll be back. You'll love this place.