It's probably a 4.5 or something, but I really liked this show :)! I'd like to see it again, too, and that most definitely deserves extra stars just because I'd want to see it again in a short span of time in between.
They used to be at the Venetian Casino and then they moved over to the Monte Carlo. I saw both the one at the Venetian and the one at the MC. The changes were minimal but there's a new part of the show that's really fun. Super audience participation in that part! Won't spoil it for you ;).
There's a bit of comedy in the show and there's also one part where they grab a lady from the audience to participate on stage. That part's ALWAYS hilarious. They're very color - eye - & music oriented and that's 3 pluses for me!
It can be loud at times and that's just part of it. The music is awesome, and I just love all of it. There can be some slow parts but everybody likes different stuff.
Definitely a must see (imo).