| - Can't recommend Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patino or his interns at all -- poor knowledge and listening skills.
Lack of knowledge of standard treatments, changes medicines to less effective ones, asks how you are doing then ignores everything you say, things got much worse under this Drs care not better.
Ok, that was the short version, here is the longer version.
Took a family member here that had been diagnosed at Mayo with a sleeping problem caused by general low level anxiety - medicine at that time was an anti-anxiety medicine with some sedative qualities taken at night (to help sleep). The medicine worked fairly well but Mayo only did 1-2 visits so we went looking for someone else.
First red flag, we were told on the phone that Dr Patino didn't do diagnosis, only maintenance. Figured no problem as the diagnosis was already made. We were new to psychiatrists and didn't realize they have to evaluate things over time or we never would have seen a Dr who had that policy.
We saw the Dr less than a handful of times. Initially saw an intern who asked if everything was perfect on the current medicine (life is never perfect for anyone) and she said let's do genetic testing to see what medicines work on you. It sounded like a good idea. We said we already had some genetic testing done but they said theirs were for medicines but wouldn't say what tests they were, so we ended up paying for exactly the same test twice - out of pocket of course.
On the followup visit, Patino said to stop taking the current medicine (anti anxiety with sedative qualities taken at night time) and instead prescribed an antidepressant to be taken in the morning. Well symptoms (anxiety and trouble sleeping) just got worse of course and Patino was clearly told this every visit. At one point Patino prescribed a sleeping medicine at a very low dose but when he was told it had no effect he didn't suggest a higher dose or different medicine. We found out later for many people they had to take 10 times the dose that Patino prescribed). We also found out later that that specific sleeping pill should never have been prescribed with the patient's health history.
Then Patino decided that a protocol was needed with some extremely strong drugs. This sounded crazy to us but the Dr is Supposed to be the one with knowledge so unfortunately we agreed. This caused a lot of problems, and on top of that they had us come in every couple days but we had to see a different person and they all had extremely different interpretations of the notes (we would patiently say no, this is what was discussed with Patino and they would argue and finally read aloud the actual notes and we would say see that note says what we said, not what you said... - very poor office communication). Things proceeded to get much worse and not better.
We started calling around to other psychiatrists to find someone better. We talked in depth to a few psychiatrists telling them of the history and the current protocol and they were shocked saying that protocol was never done in someone with those symptoms.
It turns out Patino is one of those Drs who decides he knows what is going on and anything you are saying is not true. Which means whether the medicine he gives you works is just a matter of chance and unfortunately what he prescribed for my family member was much worse than what he was on before. I guess Patino decided the previous Mayo psychiatrist didn't do a proper diagnoses and he knew better and moved my family member from am medicine that was helpful to a medicine that was not helpful at all.
Luckily within days of our last visit to Patino we had a new Dr (we has been hunting for a week before that last visit). The new Dr said well if there are problems sleeping it will cause problems like anxiety (or depression or other problems). He said let's first start with a sleeping pill and once that is working we will address whatever else is going on. He prescribed a non additive sleeping pill, saying take 1-3 pills at bedtime to see what dose works. So different than Patino. Two nights of good sleep and what a huge difference. The "anxiety symptoms" reduced by 80%. And yup, when my family member tried to cut down to 1 sleeping pill a night the anxiety symptoms came back, he needed that help.
So in summary, Patino didn't listen to the patient, took away an anti-anxiety with sedative qualities that helped my family member sleep at night and gave him an anti depressive medicine to take during the day which didn't help with sleep. Patino ignored what he was told at every followup visit (the patient had problems with sleeping & anxiety). Things just got a lot worse under Patino's care. Then Patino did a medical protocol that was totally against standard treatment and prescribed some pretty powerful narcotics which caused a lot of problems.
If you want the genetic tests, anyone can do that for you, don't let that be the reason you see this inadequate Dr.