The real highlight of my visit was meeting all the cute fluffy bunnies - each with different personalities and needs. These rabbits are so well behaved and cared for.
There is a shop next door that all proceeds go to helping out the bunnies. You can just donate if you prefer or even support them by buying supplies for your rabbits there. They offer bunny sitting which varies in price by size of cage and if your bunnies are bonded.
If you go to their website they have a most needed list (such as cleaning supplies) and even instructions on how to use or your Fry's grocery card to donate on your behalf for free with you shop. Right now on Facebook they are running a bunny themed auction to raise money for the rabbits.
Tranquility Trail offers summer camp for children to learn about rabbits, which I think would be fantastic if you were considering one for a family pet. They also try to educate the community about bunnies and care for as many rabbits as they can. You would not believe some of the back stories on these bunnies. One was left in the woods in Prescott, another rescued from a feral cat colony and even people's backyards with 100s of bunnies!
And if you want to make a difference and have a lot of bunny friends you can always apply to volunteer.