| - finally, someone gets it. pinto's in the burrito, end of review. jk. this place is tight because they know what they're doing. all of their ingredients are top notch (i think they can afford to keep it that way because they're so busy (and i think they're so busy because the food is the so friggen' good (and i think the food is so friggen' good because all of their ingredients are top notch))). i've had all kinds of good food here, including burritos, tacos, nachos and quesadillas with most of their different meats. today, i got a veggie burrito. this is probably a controversial opinion but i think they might be the only place in town that has their shit together burrito-wise and i'm begging you to prove me wrong. it comes wrapped in foil, tightly i might add, tasty tortilla, and they use pinto beans instead of the bs refrieds i keep being subjected to all over vegas. they don't put rice in there and usually i'm a big rice guy, especially when i go veggie but you know what? i didn't miss it. their veggie burrito contains a good ratio of beans, cheese, sour cream guacamole and pico de gallo. they hook you up with a dixie of red salsa and they have a squeeze bottle of green on all the tables, they're both awesome but i think i like the red best. chips and salsa is an extra $2 but i think it's worth it if you're going to share them with one or two people. the salsa is pico de gallo. yo, i'm going to go eat there again right now!