After hearing about how amazing their veal sandwiches are, I was really looking forward to trying one of them today. At 11:20 a.m., there was no line either. Great. right? Ugh. I took a couple of bites and gave up on it.
(a) The kaiser roll it comes on is too big, too hard, and too flavorless. It tastes like crusty Styrofoam and scraped several layers of skin off the roof of my mouth.
(b) The veal cutlet was pre-fried in old oil and sitting cold under "heat" lamps for god knows how long even at 11:20 a.m. The meat was also stringy and severely under-seasoned. Ew.
(c) The accompanying tomato sauce was scant and also under-seasoned.
To add insult to injury, when I paid for my order, I got a twoonie as change which I put in my pocket. The grunty woman who made my sandwich promptly came over to the till and checked in the Tip cup to see if I had left a little extra something for her. WTF? Who does that?'
Here's a tip, unpleasant sandwich assembly automaton lady: Use better bread, season the veal with some salt, and don't be so stingy with the tomato sauce!
I gave the rest of my sandwich to a homeless man on King Street but now I'm wondering if he will come after me for giving him such awful food.
Mustachio? I'd rename it "Mustachi-NO!"