These products are great! I use their essential oils and I have some of their jewelry! Being a college student and wanting a high-quality product of essential oils, at an affordable price, is sometimes not a reality but with Ahimsa it is possible! I used to cheep oils from Amazon and I ended up with a chemical burn! Then I switch to Young Living and it was just out of budget for me. Then I found Ahisma at the Uptown Farmers Market and fell in love with their products. I thought aromatherapy was something that was going to be out of budget for me and I can't believe it is possible on a college budget.
Truly over the moon happy with AE! My favorite oil is zen and lavender. I have diffused zen when I am studying and it truly helps me focus! I use lavender when I go to sleep, and some who has suffered from insomnia for several years, it has been really aiding me in getting a restful night's sleep.
Plus this is a local business! It is great! I love talking to Queenie and her husband at the Phoenix Vegan Festival this weekend. Go get em', girl! Keep doing what you are doing and inspiring others!