A+ for decor and ambience. The beer and food falls a bit flat. This is the type of place I take visiting friends to since they are wowed with the setting but wouldn't ever really go to with Pittsburghers. Just underwhelmed with the beer.
No brewery in Pittsburgh can compete with this one in this category. When have I ever been in a desanctified church where the pulpit is filled with beer tanks?! Some might find it sacrilegious but most people find it entertaining. Plus they have ample televisions around to keep the sports watchers happy.
I've had the Pious Monk Dunkel and the Cherry Quadzilla. I'm a big Belgian beer fan but both really needed some love. The Dunkel is average at best, lacking a complex finish. The quadzilla was probably one of the worst quads I've had. Overpowered with artificial cherry flavoring and similarly simplistic in its flavor profile. Really missed the mark.
The only thing we tried were the pierogi. Over lathered with butter and just like the beers, somewhat bland. It felt like average bar food at best.
No issues on this part but nothing over the top either.