Every year I LOVE coming downtown to the Arts Festival. I like to see the artists and their creations. They change vendors every week so I try to come down a couple of times. Everyone in Pittsburgh knows it's guaranteed to rain a lot. Murphy's law. Today was 80 degrees and sunny. It was a perfect day. We started walking through the booths. The disappointment started setting in. Prices were really high. I saw a lot of stuff for $500 or higher. What is worse is that I didn't see anything new or anything that made me go WOW. The one booth I liked most was Vintage Vamp. It usually takes a couple of hours for me to go through the fair and this year it took me a little under an hour. I really hope that to be able to come back another time and see different vendors. FYI-expect to pay $6 for a glass of lemonade. I held off and went to Starbucks and saved money. Isn't that ironic??