| - Two stars lost for unprofessional attitude/behavior of junior manicurist, one star lost because of lack of management over said employee, & one star (should be two) lost because of end product: noticeably weird angle of nail/ nail bed for 6 of 10 nails (actually noticed by male coworkers who NEVER notice 'lady things').
Had decided to get a set of gel nails (after not having them for years), as I'm hosting a conference of women coming to town, and I wanted to see if I could recommend them for visitors. Prior good reviews left me favorably disposed toward this salon; however, my experience was disappointing at best. I will be routing about 300 women elsewhere.
The owner/manager (pretty adult woman) started the nailbed preparation, and selected/glued on the tips to start my manicure. NO complaints here- she seemed personable, competent, and really seemed to take care to ensure that the correct curve/flatness of each nail bed was matched according to the actual nail- I was really happy.
However, it seemed that a regular customer (likely for a more expensive service) came in, so the owner/manager had a girl come over to take over the rest of my service.
The girl did not seem to be happy to do so, as she was on the phone (one of two phones she juggled during the ENTIRE service), trying to straighten out some issue with a purchase of jeans on line. She was barely on autopilot as she commenced with my nail application.
She literally DID NOT EVEN LOOK at my nails as she buffed/grinded away at the nail beds- am convinced as to that's why the final angles are so weird on them (hard for me to see at the time, as I'd not had nails for a long time, and could not really give them a good look during the process)..
When she did speak to me- it was to order me around several times (get nail polish color, pay, go wash up, go dry) and was very abrupt with every command, even though I'm at least twice her age, a paying customer, not a subordinate.
It was NOT a case of second-language/cultural translation -this girl was acting like a petulant b-word, full stop - to a person who was sincerely being nice to her, and who just didn't remember all of the ropes (nor should I have had to do so!).
She literally left the salon for an extended period (upwards of 20 minutes)during the time that my nails were curing under the uV. A nice man clicked the light on again for another cycle after the first curing, but the curing went on for FOUR light cycles before she deigned to return to the job.
When she did, she ordered me to wash my hands. I did go to the back of the shop, saw clean and soiled receptacles for nail scrub brushes, and figured out that I should likely used the clean brush, scrub up, and then place the used brush in the oher receptacle - all assumed because she didn't deign to actually tell me ANYTHING (was AGAIN heading out a doorway with her phone).
There was a hot towel available for use- she had slapped it down on the counter on her way out, and God knows what was on the counter (though the place did seem to be clean, and I did notice the man take special care to sterilize/clean a pedicure station after a client while I was there).
I did end up using it, but had no place to put the used towel. She actually acted annoyed with me as she brought forth a hamper for me to place the towel.
After the application of the polish/topcoat, etc.- she pointed vaguely to an area in the back of the salon & told me to go there. I then discerned that I was to put my hands under a light table to dry/cure the nails- but AGAIN- the communication was abrupt, rude, and uninformative.
I guess I didn't spend enough time under the light table (had no real idea how long to stay there), so I headed out, loaded up an elderly family member in the car, and noticed a mar on my middle fingernail. No big deal- this happens- they'll fix it (based on prior experience).
On my return, she literally YELLED at me, in front of employees and other customers, for messing up my nail- told me that I should have stayed under the table for 15 minutes & to be careful for an hour thereafter. RIGHT- I'm not going to fasten a seatbelt, insert a car key, etc. after I leave the salon. Beyond that- YELLING AT CIVIL CUSTOMERS IS WRONG.. Again, petulant, abrupt, unreasonable -after I'd tipped 60+ cents/nail (for an ultimately lousy set of nails).
All delays caused my nail appointment to reach the near two-hour mark for a simple set of gel nails (and I was so steamed thereafter that I missed an important appointment due to the distraction.).
Am certain this place is great if they deign to consider you to be a regular- there was a disabled man who came in for a manicure, and the man who attended him did so with a tender respect which I found heartening.
However, that does not erase the facts of my own experience. I would return ONLY if I could guarantee an appointment with the adult employees.