So it's a Saturday night and my friends and I were at Caesars Palace to go to Pure, but that turned out to be sooo whaackk. So we left Pure and decided to just gamble for a little bit, and while sitting at some slot machines, a young lady probably in her mid 20s came up to us and asked if we wanted to go to a new hip-hop club in the forum shops. We definitely were not going back to Pure, so we decided to follow her. It turns out she was taking us to Poetry, aka the old OPM.
Anyway, we get there and there's a line formed outside the door. But she handed us free drink tickets and spoke to the bouncer and he escorted us into the club through the side door up the stairs.
He led us to a vip area where we sat down with some dudes who gave us drinks. We were also able to get a free drink each at the bar with the passes she gave. The place itself was small. I walked around the entire main floor in like 2 minutes. But the music was 100x better than Pures, so I was happy. They weren't lying when they said this was a rap/hip-hop club. The DJ played straight hip-hop/rap/bay slap all night, all very reminiscent of music I'd be hearing if I were home in the Bay at a club. So that was a major major plus.
All in all a good night. If you're in a group of all girls, don't settle for less than getting in for free with free drinks. The lady who brought us there said it was basically her job to search the casino for "hot girls to take to the club". No lie, that's what she said her job was. So try to run into her! Haha. I'd go back if it were free again.