| - I love you, Pho Thanh Huong. I can't pronounce your name, so I call you "That sandwich place at school." The prices are perfect, the sandwiches are incredible (My criterion for good food is that I lay up at night in bed sometimes and want it. This has happened a few times already.)
The decor is really much better than it was, and there is AC now, with a few portable (and quiet) units. The service is quick when you do sit-down, and they're nice enough people, but of course they're not 5-star-restaurant material. Highly recommended, get #1, it's the most flavorful. The best thing to do when going with someone is to share a pho (which ever one you like) and a sandwich each. That way you avoid over-ordering. This will probably run you about $12.
A great local place, so good, and so cheap, you could eat here every day! (Or I could.) (if I wasn't a broke college student).