The bombest tacos in Charlotte for $2 EVERY DAY. All the white people here complain that there aren't enough taco places in town because they aren't in familiar areas like down East Blvd or on E Bland....Hello, there are plenty of Mexican restaurants...You just have to go to Mexican neighborhoods.
Seeing boring white people get excited about $2 taco Tuesday at a white owned tex-mex chain is disappointing when there is an independent restaurant a little further away, making their own tortillas, and charging $2 consistently- for a far superior tasting product.
Come here, get several of the tacos al pastor and some queso and chips.
We make it out of here spending $27 pre-tip getting 8 tacos, queso and chips, a Mexican coke, and an extra side of cebollitas and a pair of pot-bellies bandits.
Service is usually a miss but who gives a shit? There is sometimes a language barrier and I've never been to Mexico so I don't know if they're friendly at their taquerias to customers, anyway.
Seat yourself and make sure to go up to the register and pay after you're done. Ask for an itemized check, because they won't give you one.