I was here for Oktoberfest but have also been here for one of the antiques shows.
I was a bit lost when I got there this trip. When I got there I parked in the first area. I didn't hear anyone telling me where to go until after I got up to the first gate and realized that was for the home show. So I went back to the car, moved it to Gate 2 area.
The event was organized well. They had people checking your IDs first. Then they had people taking your ticket, the next person put on the wrist band, someone handed you a program and then you got your glass. Pretty good system.
The Oktoberfest event was set behind all the antique buildings with various tents for the beer vendors. The food vendors seemed to be off on their own with the non-profits. The Yelp tables were hidden in this area. I don't think they got the traffic they could have had.
Unlike Angie, I didn't have any problems getting out. It was simple. The problem I ran into was getting on I-77 but that's Charlotte drivers for you....
For the antiques market, it's an ok event. I'm not an antique person so I only came up once. It's not like other antiques markets I am used to up north but this is the south. Things are different here.